24 September      John Ng

Why SSD Powered Hosting is Superior

As a relatively newer type of storage, SSDs or solid-state drives are now entering the world of web hosting and are on the way to replace HDD based hosting. However, because of how new it is, SSD based hosting is comparatively unknown.

For many hosting platform providers, the switch from one kind of storage to the other can be expensive, which is why HDD is still pretty relevant. However, for companies like us that provide SSD hosting at affordable rates, it’s important to get the news about it out there so clients can make an informed future-oriented decision about their website hosting.

What Is An SSD?

SSD is a newer means of storage, that rivals the classic Hard Disk Drive (HDD) that we’re familiar with. For those of us who still remember what our computer lessons at school were about, you’ll remember that hard drives are essentially part of any full computing machine that has a storage ability.
However, SSD rivals traditional HDD storage by surpassing it in two main ways. Firstly, SSDs don’t have loose parts that move, which means that there’s less chance of overuse malfunction. Second, SSDs can process 500 MBps on average, whereas even high-end HDDs tend to peak around 125 MBps.
SSDs, whether they’re fitted in computers or physical servers, are less noisy, more eco-friendly and are the future of storage capabilities.

How SSD is Relevant for Web Hosting

Our laptops and computers are usually fitted with HDDs, or SSDs but so are the servers that host websites. Servers need to be able to store and process data, which is why the better its storage ability, the more seamless its service.
For people looking to get a web hosting provider that has rare downtime problems, and can provide a seamless website user experience, SSD hosting provides the technologically superior solution.
Not only are SSDs up to 4 times faster than HDDs, they also last longer since the physical hardware of an SSD generates less friction and has no loose parts. Also, the constant spinning in an HDD means more power use; a drawback SSD sidesteps.

Managing SSD Drawbacks

With all of these advantages, you may be asking what the drawbacks of this technology are. As with any new technology, migrating to SSD hosting can be extremely costly for a service provider. These expenses can lead to higher pricing by many web hosting platforms.
However, at JoivHost we’re able to maintain our low prices by offering VPS SSD hosting. By utilizing Virtual Private Servers on our SSD hosting servers, we’re able to divide the cost of SSDs while still giving most businesses the ability to host their websites comfortably.

So, if you’re sold on transitioning to SSD hosting, our team at JoivHost can start work on your account today! We also provide shared hosting, cheap dedicated servers and SSL certificates for our clients.